Sunday, April 11, 2010 @ 3:23 AM

Floods always cause a response from the society.
Some of these responses are:

Society, the community, and victims will watch out on the news for any help. If told to evacuate, they will. State officials and locals will give directions on what to do and what not to do.

Disaster plan;
Normally, each family has a disaster plan, which is a plan of what to do in case a disaster takes place. Victims will do what is in the plan, and members of the community will try their best to help them complete this as fast as possible.

A kit which includes non-perishable food, bottled water, a radio, and a flashlight with extra batteries, is reccommended by disaster officials. In case of any disaster, not just floods, victims should take this kit with them.

Normally, humanisation organisations come to the rescue. Victims or witnessers notify the police or these help groups, and they come as fast as they can to the rescue. As well as this, many organisations raise as much money as they can, to help victims recover, and to reduce costs for the damage caused.

Fear and trauma;
Victims, and witnesses, of the event will be afraid, because they never know when it could happen again, and also are unknown of the dangers next time.

Members of society will empathise with victims, and will try their best to help them recover. They will give victims hope, and this makes the victims feel stronger.

Floods cause responses from society.